A Closed and Common Orbit

Small spoiler perhaps:

This book does not pick up where the last left off. Sorry if that’s a surprise.

It was for me, after time lovingly building a world and a crew in it, it was a shock to be relegated to a single corner, with so few we already knew.

She repeats the trick of the first book admirably. Building more of a world, giving us perspectives into the rich lives of her characters and using the fondness generated to explore a range of social themes.

This time we look at transforming yourself, being comfortable in a body and families you choose.

I was fun, but I found it a surprising loss to not return to the crew of the first book.

I would like to read more, but knowing this repeats through the series leaves me wanting a bit of time and faded memory before moving on to pick up the next one.

| Huw

After "A Closed and Common Orbit" I read: The Song of Achilles

Before "A Closed and Common Orbit" I read: The Doors of Eden