First Post!

I want to be better at writing. I also want a place to back up all the interesting things I come across, so I can rescue them from my forgetting memory. On the off chance others might find something of interesting, I figure I should make it public.

I’ve been reading a few blogs and have discovered folks who write weeknotes. One of them linked to a really useful explainer (thanks Sam Villis). It sounds like a good way to keep a track of what I’ve done, perhaps start the odd conversation - whilst getting frequent writing practice.

So there’ll be some of that here.

I also want to write review some of things I read, watch and listen to. I consume a lot of media right now, in the moment I often feel blown away by the latest thing I’ve encountered. However before long, it fades from memory or is pushed aside as my attention moves on to something new. Hopefully reviews can back up a few of these memories so I can look back later.

So that’s the plan, let’s see how it goes.

| Huw