Weeknotes #002: Planning

What I did in the 3rd week of September 2020.


Consensus on direction built last week, we planned the specifics. By mid-week finally had specific tech cards we can write code for. I ended spending time on our round 2 of user testing. Making notes for the team and considering what was said. Again, love this process. Looking forward to being back to code next week.

Also some horizon scanning on threats, mitigations. So many ways to give someone a bad day via the web.

A lot going on outside of the team. Our annual all staff meeting, with a big conversation about what’s next for GDS. A lot to think about. I attended line management training on Monday. I have no line reports right now, but I’m enjoying reading and thinking about how to do it well. Would be good to pitch in there if the opportunity arises.


Jobs, jobs, friends. Lots of DIY, gardening and house admin going on. Will need to do more next week. Will make a lot of things better when it’s done, but messy and occasionally boring whilst its going on. Getting out to see friends is a great escape when you’ve made a mess of your home.




… More articles than usual this week, less of everything else.

I particularly enjoyed the mango.pdf.zone stuff. Hillarious, educational, surprisingly humane.

Listened to

Mostly weekly news / politics. Nothing particularly stand out this week.

Thinking about

| Huw